By Ginger Moshofsky
In November I had the privilege of attending Race Talks:
Uniting to Break the Chains of Racism, at the Kennedy School.
A little background: Race Talks is a sort of lecture series
that focuses on pertinent issues of race like “Interacial Relationships” or “Race
and the Housing Crisis.” Instead of the usual “stand and deliver” format of
most lecture series, Race Talks adds a couple of key elements which induce
interaction and dialogue between the attendants.
First of all, there is a panel of experts who speak to the
topic. Instead of one person’s take on a topic, you get several points of view.
This is not only informative but also sets the tone; different people have
different experiences and may have differing opinions- and that is okay.
Next, at every Race Talks, the discussion moves from the
podium to the tables. After the panelists have finished, each table group discusses the topic. Before
the discussion, the attendees are prompted to make sure that each table has a
diverse mix of people. If not, they ask that a person or two move so each group
has different races represented.
The Race Talks that I attended examined “Race and the Arts”.
When we moved to the table discussion portion of the
evening, one of the things we did was introduce ourselves and our racial
background. Now that’s something you don’t do every day. When we did, I was
surprised to find that, despite how things looked at first glance, I was not
sitting with only Caucasian people but also American Indian, Japanese and
Mexican. We had a very interesting dialogue about “borrowing” traditions from
other cultures. We questioned, when is it disrespectful to integrate a dance or
an artistic style into American culture, and when is it an honor and a
compliment? We talked about “fads”, like “Gangnam Style” or skull tattoos- did
that bring to the masses interesting cultural elements from around the world or
is it exploitive or something else? We bemoaned the practice of taking
ceremonies that are sacred in their country of origin and making them spectacle
in the United States. If these sound like heady topics, you are right. We found
ourselves discussing these ideas and more with people of different races who we
had never met before and it was fun!
The genius of Race
Talks is that while everyone admits that talking through race issues with a
diverse gathering of individuals is helpful and informative, few have figured
out how to do it on a grass roots level and do it effectively. Donna Maxey ’70,
founder and director of Race Talks, is the genius behind the “genius” of Race
Maxey has a history in education, has an extensive network
and is a long time resident of Portland. As it explains in the Race Talks
brochure, Maxey approached McMenamins Historian Tim Hills “with the idea to
partner with McMenamins in a series that stepped out of the box of the typical
history lecture into a more interactive realm- where the audience had a
participatory role and left with a tangible task toward dismantling racism.”
The result is Race Talks: Uniting to Break the Chains of
Racism and it is brilliant. Maxey partners with McMenamins monthly to bring interesting
topics to the Kennedy School. If you have not been to Race Talks, I urge you to
mark your calendar for 7 p.m., the second Tuesday of the month. I hope to see you
at Race Talks.
Moshofsky is the Assistant Director of Alumni Relations at Pacific University. She is a Lewis & Clark alumna, freelance writer, thespian and activist on civil rights issues.